Ad Specifications

THEADX DSP accepts almost any ad format that is accepted by our exchange partners. Precise specifications vary from exchange to exchange. To ensure your ads are accepted on all inventory sources, please follow the IAB Display & Mobile Advertising Creative Format Guidelines (PDF).

The following specifications are particularly important for the widest acceptance of ads.

Current Recommended Ad Specifications

These specifications represent ads that can spend on almost all supply sources. To achieve optimal results, provide multiple ads that meet the characteristics of specific exchanges and publishers. However, if you only have one ad or set of ads, follow these specifications:


20 characters (however, 25 characters is accepted on almost all inventory)


90 characters

Main Image

Exactly 1200x627 (1.91:1 aspect ratio)


Exactly 240x240 (1:1 aspect ratio)

Brand Name

25 characters

Display (Banner) Ads

Image dimensions (Desktop):  

728x90*, 300x250*, 160x600* (standard sizes)
120x600, 300x600

Image dimensions (Mobile):

320x50*, 300x50* (smartphone banner, most common)
320x480*, 480x320 (smartphone interstitial)
300x250* (mobile interstitial, tablet in-app, mobile web)
728x90* (tablet only) 
1024x768*, 768x1024 (tablet interstitial)

File size (KB):

200 KB max for each image.

Bulk upload in ZIP files that are up to 10 MB.

File type:


Animation length:

No more than 15 seconds and/or 3 loops 


Creative must clearly separated from the site content, either by a clear border or a non-white background color.

*Recommended Ad Sizes

Other Supported Ad Sizes

(availability may vary, please consult the Inventory tab)

300x250, 728x90, 120x600, 160x600, 800x600, 250x250, 300x600, 970x250, 320x480, 320x100, 200x200, 336x280, 300x50, 320x50, 468x60

Video Ads

Aspect ratio:

16:9 or 4:3

Max file upload size:

20 MB

File format:

mp4, flv


Third-party VAST 2.0 or 3.0 is also accepted. Only InLine Linear ads are accepted; Non-linear and wrappers are not accepted. VAST from a third party server must contain at least one MP4 media file, but it is strongly advised that the following be in the VAST:

"Low bitrate" is around 400-600 kbps, "High bitrate" is around 1000-1200 kbps.

Multiple bitrates are recommended for broadest acceptance, with at least one version with a bitrate less than 400 kbps for mobile compatibility.

Ideally, the low bitrate versions are encoded at a lower resolution (i.e. 640x360 for 16:9 video, 640x480 for 4:3 video) if the high bitrate version is at a higher resolution. This is because the quality of a high-resolution video at low bitrate will be poor, and some devices, especially mobile, may have difficulty playing very high resolution (i.e. 1080p) video.

For more information, see Chapter 2 of the IAB Digital Video Format Guidelines.

Native Ads 


Always used?


Brand Name

Exactly as you want it to appear including spelling, spacing, and capitalization.

Brand Logo

Minimum 300x300 px, transparent PNG.

Main Image

JPG, 1200x627 px or 600x600 px. Aspect ratio of 1:1 is acceptable.

Headline Text

Maximum 25 characters.

Body Text

Maximum 90 characters. May be truncated.

Click URL

The destination when the ad is clicked on.